Shailija Fennel - Rural livelihood options for youth from agricultural households

Duration: 21 mins 18 secs
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Description: A talk from Plenary 1.
Created: 2015-07-13 15:23
Collection: Global Food Security Cambridge Symposium 2015
Global Food Security
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Will Simonson
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Explicit content: No
Abstract: While agriculture is an important engine of growth and poverty reduction in developing countries, growth arising from expansion of land under cultivation tends to correlate with low levels of poverty reduction while the gains achieved with agricultural technologies have led to increasing productivity and gains in wealth. A recent trend in the agriculture sector has been to improve informational access for appropriate production planning, use of improved seeds and planting materials, suitable cultivation practices, effective post-harvest management, storage, value addition and marketing. Notwithstanding these improvements agriculture does not appeal to the youth generation in many rural communities.

This presentation will examine the aspirations of rural youth in rural households that have benefited from agricultural growth. The improvements in parental incomes have made it possible for these youth to complete secondary school and to successfully access tertiary education. The focus will be on information gaps that have been identified with regard to educational institutions, both with regard to cost and quality. The institutional and structural features that currently hinder better access to information will be analysed using the results of recent fieldwork conducted in rural Tamil Nadu, India. The research aims to establish how innovative technologies could identify both the opportunities and challenges in linking innovative technologies to sustainable results in improved agricultural productivity and increased rural youth entrepreneurship.
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