Andreas Kapardis - The whole is more than the sum of the parts: narrowing the gap between Psychology and Law

1 hour 26 mins,  158.64 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  251.85 kbits/sec
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Andreas Kapardis - The whole is more than the sum of the parts: narrowing the gap between Psychology and Law's image
Description: What is the evidence for, and why do some people confess to, crimes they have not committed? How reliable is the testimony provided by eyewitnesses, especially by children? Can false memories be created?  What non-legal factors have been shown to influence jury verdicts and sentences imposed by magistrates and judges? Are humans better at detecting lies than machines?
Created: 2013-01-16 19:39
Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium
Publisher: Clare Hall
Copyright: Andreas Kapardis - Clare Hall
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: law; psychology; evidence;
Author:  Andreas Kapardis
Categories: iTunes - Psychology & Social Science - Law
Explicit content: No
Abstract: Justice is too important to be left to police officers, prosecutors, judges and juries.

What is the evidence for, and why do some people confess to, crimes they have not committed? How reliable is the testimony provided by eyewitnesses, especially by children? Can false memories be created?  What non-legal factors have been shown to influence jury verdicts and sentences imposed by magistrates and judges? Are humans better at detecting lies than machines?

The talk provides a brief introduction to legal psychology and then address these contemporary issues drawing on legal psychology internationally. In the process, the question of how best to narrow the remaining gap between psychology and law will be answered.

Andreas Kapardis is Professor of Legal Psychology, Department of Law, University of Cyprus
Lecture given on 15 January 2013
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 251.85 kbits/sec 158.64 MB Listen Download
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