Clare Hall Colloquium

Clare Hall Colloquium's image
Created: 2012-10-30 00:46
Institution: Clare Hall
Editors' group: Colloquium podcasts
Description: The Clare Hall Colloquium offers an opportunity to test out ideas and arguments before an audience which is smart and interested, but has no specialist knowledge of the topic.

Media items

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This collection contains 56 media items.

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Media items

Ahmed Alwishah - Divine Knowledge and Human self-Awareness


The nature of Divine knowledge is a problem that has preoccupied philosophers in the monotheistic traditions; the speaker challenges the view that certain knowledge, such as...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Fri 9 May 2014

Andreas Kapardis - The whole is more than the sum of the parts: narrowing the gap between Psychology and Law


What is the evidence for, and why do some people confess to, crimes they have not committed? How reliable is the testimony provided by eyewitnesses, especially by children? Can...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 16 Jan 2013

Boudewijn de Bruin - Ethics and the global financial crisis: Why incompetence is worse than greed


While unrestricted egoism is certainly a vice, I argue that the more serious moral defects in finance lie somewhere else.

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 5 Nov 2014

Bruno Ricco - From Silicon to Graphene and Beyond; The hidden engine of change


Silicon development cannot last forever so two complementary strategies are being pursued at research level: one seeks to extend the life of silicon technology, and the other...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Mon 16 Feb 2015

Catalina Taltavull - To fly or not to fly through a volcanic ash cloud


 In this talk, Dr Taltavull will explore the importance of understanding the likelihood of a certain volcanic ash adhering into a substrate by taking into consideration both ash...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 9 Jun 2016

Clive Sherlock - What is emotion and how does it affect the body and mind? 
Western Psychology meets Buddhist insight


How our reactions to emotion cause depression, anxiety, anger, stress, rage and other psychological problems and what can be done about it.

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Mon 11 Nov 2013

Covadonga Aldamiz-echevarria - Gender Equality and Diversity: a must for managing Human Resources


I present the findings of my research on the recruitment and promotion of women by ‘excellent’ British organizations (as defined by the European Foundation for Quality Management...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 15 May 2013

Crosbie Smith - Unlocking the Secrets of Victorian Steamships


This talk will consider the ways in which insights from the recent history of science and technology can help to unlock the secrets of Victorian steamships in the context of an...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 20 Feb 2014

David Gosling - Spying for the Russians (with a little help from MI6)


As part of a visiting fellowship at Delhi University in the mid 1990’s the speaker set up seminars relating to nuclear power, one of which was attended by a Russian diplomat who...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 16 Feb 2017

David Ibbetson – Does Hittite Law Matter?


This talk will point to ways in which the Near East legal systems perhaps mark an important step forward in the development of law in the world before the rise of Greece and Rome.

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 23 Jan 2014

David Mayers - The Diplomacy of Crisis: FDR’s Ambassadors in Berlin and Policy Toward Nazi Germany, 1933-1941


American policy toward Germany in the years before Pearl Harbor can be approached from any number of angles. I shall in this talk explore an interpretative line that has been less...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 12 Jun 2013

Elizabeth Garnsey - Could Cambridge become an Eco-City?


This talk reviews the emergence and spread of innovative technology-based firms in the Cambridge area, and then turns to the challenge of environmental innovation and some of the...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Sun 2 Dec 2012

Elizabeth Garnsey - Science and Spin-Outs in Cambridge: Incentives and Impact


This talk offers an introduction to technology enterprise in and around Cambridge for those unfamiliar with the Cambridge tech scene. It will examine ways in which scientific...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Sun 18 Oct 2015

Elizabeth Hale - Female Quixotism and Colonial Girlhood: 1895-1912


Turn of the century formulations of talented girlhood in literature from Australia, the United States and Canada

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Sun 2 Dec 2012

Emilia Wilton-Godberfforde - The Liar in Seventeenth-Century French Comedy; Liar, liar, pants on fire!


In this colloquium I explore the phenomenon lying and its comic potential. This talk should appeal not only to those working in French literature, cultural studies and...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Mon 16 Feb 2015

Foss Lene - Developing Entrepreneurial Universities


Global recessions and structural economic shifts are motivating government and business leaders worldwide to increasingly look to “their” universities to stimulate regional...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 17 Jun 2015

George van Kooten - Pagans and Christians in Debate: Mythology, Philosophy and Religion in the first two centuries AD


The speaker argues that from the time of Jesus the Christian movement consciously engaged with the broader Graeco-Roman world in many different ways.

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 21 May 2014

Gillian Brown - 500 years of changing patterns in English English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation


I shall focus most of the discussion on the standard English used in the south east of England to describe very briefly some changes in the structures and use of English over the...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 25 Feb 2015

Gohei Hata - Translating the Greek Bible into Japanese: a personal history


Many people have asked me why I became interested in the Greek Bible, not the Hebrew Bible.  When I published my translation into Japanese of the first five books of the Greek...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 21 Mar 2013

Graeme Garrard - Rousseau, Happiness and Human Nature


There is now substantial evidence supporting Rousseau’s view that status matters much more to individuals than do absolute levels of wealth. But there is also mounting evidence...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 31 Oct 2012

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