Liberation Literature Lecture Series 2018: Anne Sebba

Duration: 1 hour 41 mins
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Liberation Literature Lecture Series 2018: Anne Sebba's image
Description: (No description)
Created: 2018-11-29 11:05
Collection: Liberation Literature Lecture Series
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: S. Hainsworth
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: Anne Sebba; Literature; ww2; France at war;
Explicit content: No
Abstract: Why have the images of French women, shaven-headed, punished for alleged collaboration, dominated notions of how French women responded to the German Occupation for the last 60 or so years? In the early 21st century, we now must have a more nuanced view of how the women of Paris, in particular, responded to the Nazi Occupation, and to look at the reasons why so many of them have refused to talk about their experiences. Now, as those who are still alive approach their 90s, Anne Sebba has been able to uncover a variety of stories about a range of Parisian women using what Le Figaro has described as La Methode Sebba.
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