Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Centre of Governance and Human Rights's image
Created: 2009-11-05 12:06
Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies
Editors' group: Editors group for SMS page for Centre of Governance and Human Rights
Description: The Centre of Governance and Human Rights draws together experts, practitioners and policymakers from Cambridge University and far beyond to think critically and innovatively about pressing governance and human rights issues throughout the world. CGHR organises a range of research seminars and public events throughout the year, tied to our emerging research priorities. Many are recorded and accessible from SMS or our website.
Website: https://www.cghr.polis.cam.ac.uk

Media items

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This collection contains 59 media items.

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Media items

A matter of life and death: The struggle for Ugandan gay rights


David Cato, Advocacy/Litigation officer at Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), in conversation with Dr Andy Tucker (Deputy Director, University of Cambridge Centre for Gender...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Sat 27 Mar 2010

Dr Laurens Bakker, 'State of Anxiety: Ongoing research on security and sovereign practices in Indonesia'


Audio of presentation by Dr Bakker as part of Centre of Governance and Human Rights Research Group (http://www.polis.cam.ac.uk/cghr/research_research_group.html).

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 13 Dec 2010

Lecture by Francis Deng at Launch of Centre of Governance and Human Rights, 18 November 2009


The Centre of Governance and Human Rights was launched by the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) on 18 November 2009. An Inaugural Lecture was delivered by...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 29 Mar 2010

Preventing Violent Attacks on Education in Afghanistan: Considering the Role of Community-Based Schools


Dr Burde's paper drew on observational data of community-based schools in Afghanistan to examine the types of violence that affects education in Afghanistan and to explore the...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 23 Nov 2010

SMS Uprising: How mobiles are changing the public sphere in Africa


A seminar discussion with the editor of (Sokari Ekine) and a contributor to (Ken Banks) a new edited book – SMS Uprising: Mobile Activism in Africa (Fahamu, 2009) – which is the...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 4 Feb 2010

Truth be Told? Debating the Human Rights records of Southern Africa's Liberation Movements in Exile


On the eve of celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, the Centre of Governance and Human Rights (CG+HR) hosted a roundtable discussion at...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 11 Feb 2010

Truth be Told? Debating the Human Rights records of Southern Africa's Liberation Movements in Exile


On the eve of celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, the Centre of Governance and Human Rights (CG+HR) hosted a roundtable discussion at...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 22 Feb 2010

What Explains Diverging Paths of Genocidal Violence? Evidence from Rwanda, Sudan, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Chad and Senegal


Dr Scott Straus discusses his recent work on a comparative study of different trajectories of violence in civil war. The study focuses empirically on relatively recent (during the...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 25 May 2010

Scholars at Risk: Human Rights and Academic Freedom


An event co-organised by the Centre of Governance and Human Rights (CG+HR), Cambridge, The Council for Assisting Refugee Academics (CARA) and CRASSH, in which refugee academics...

Collection: CRASSH

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Tue 8 Jun 2010

Deliberating new media: creating alternative politics in the Middle East and Africa?


The New Media / Alternative Politics conference on 14-16 October debated the relationship between communication technologies and political change in the Middle East and Africa....

Collection: CRASSH

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Tue 7 Dec 2010

A Quiet Media Revolution? Mediatization, altered media geographies and insurgent citizen tactics


Thomas Tufte discusses how civic action and participation in social change in Tanzania is being effected by access to new, more interactive, civil society created media platforms.

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 24 Oct 2011

Africa's Voices RiteFM Plastic Bags jingle


The jingle used by CGHR Africa's Voices radio station partner, RiteFM in Ghana, for the "Plastic Bags" poll in 2012

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Fri 22 Mar 2013

ExPRESSion RePRESSion: International efforts to protect journalists at risk


Targeted violence against journalists is on the rise and in January 2012 alone, 10 journalists were killed worldwide. But why are journalists finding it more rather than less...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 8 Mar 2012



Quickfire interviews with participants in the CGHR ExpressionRepression event and expert meeting on the Safety of Journalists. with Christof Heyns, Pansy Tlakula, Frank La Rue and...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 26 Feb 2013

Kenyan Elections Panel Discussion


A panel discussion on the 2013 Kenyan elections with Professor John Lonsdale (Trinity College, Cambridge), Professor Bruce Berman (Queen's University, Canada) and Ms Njoki Wamai...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Fri 22 Mar 2013

Professor Francois Burgat : When Authoritarianism fails in the Arab World: understanding the recourse to the Muslim...


The French Embassy has generously sponsored a cycle of lectures and workshops which bring to Cambridge leading scholars from France to interact and foster research collaborations...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 25 Mar 2013

Reordering South African Townships


Wednesday 24 November 2010, Senior Common Room, POLIS
Dr Laurent Fourchard (Researcher, Sciences Po)

The aim of this paper was to understand how people have tried to produce...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Fri 18 Feb 2011

Srinivasan Sudan interview April 2012 ABC Radio National breakfast


Interview with Fran Kelly on ABC Radio National breakfast programme 24 April 2012 re escalation in Sudan/South Sudan fighting

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012

Srinivasan Sudan/South Sudan crisis interview BBC World News 23 April 2012


Interview with Zeinab Badawi, BBC World News, on the Sudan/South Sudan crisis

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Sun 6 Apr 2014

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