The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)'s image
Created: 2023-12-12 12:37
Institution: Faculty of Law
Editors' group: Editors group for "Faculty of Law".
Description: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture is an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice. The lecture is hosted at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law, by the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS). Among the eminent scholars of European legal studies invited to give the lecture are Professor Joseph Weiler, former Judge David Edwards of the European Court of Justice, and Advocate-General Francis Jacobs of the European Court of Justice.

The texts of the Mackenzie-Stuart Lectures are published in the Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies.

For more information about the Mackenzie-Stuart Lectures, and CELS, please see the CELS website at

This collection is a home for video recordings of the Mackenzie-Stuart Lectures. A separate audio podcast feed is also available.

Media items

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This collection contains 13 media items.


Media items

'Human Rights in the 21st Century': The 2007 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Thu 15 Sep 2011

'Addressing Linguistic Transparency in the ECJ': The 2009 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Thu 15 Sep 2011

'40 Years an EU Lawyer - Apologia pro vita sua (40 Years and Still Motoring)': The 2011 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Mon 11 Apr 2011

'The EU as a Source of Inspiration': The 2012 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Sat 11 Feb 2012

'"Interesting Times" - Chinese Curses, Lawyers' Headaches, Political Nightmares and New Dawns': The 2013...


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Thu 30 May 2013

'The United Kingdom and the EU: Inevitably Drifting Apart?': The 2014 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Thu 20 Feb 2014

'Facing Legal Challenges in US - EU Relations': The 2015 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 30 Jan 2015

'Is Globalisation Faltering?': The 2017 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 17 Mar 2017

'What Price Sovereignty? Brexit and Human Rights': The 2018 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 21 Mar 2018

'Making Markets Work: New Challenges for EU Competition Law': The 2019 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 6 Feb 2019

'Membership of the EU: Formal and Substantive Dimensions': The 2020 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Sat 8 Feb 2020

'Saving Football from Itself: Why and How to Re-make EU Sports Law': The 2022 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 9 Mar 2022

'Why the European Convention on Human Rights still matters': 2023 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (video)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 1 Dec 2023