Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication

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Created: 2019-09-19 12:49
Institution: Department of Pure Maths and Mathematical Statistics
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: (No description)

Media items

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This collection contains 2 media items.


Media items

Why Doctors Are Bad At Stats — And How That Could Affect Your Health


Have you ever wondered whether your doctor is really able to interpret your medica test results accurately, or give you advice on risks and benefits of treatment options?...

Collection: Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication

Institution: Department of Pure Maths and Mathematical Statistics

Created: Thu 19 Sep 2019

¿Qué tanto sabe tu médico de estadística? (¿y cómo impacta esto tu salud?)


¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si tu médico realmente es capaz de interpretar con precisión los resultados de tus pruebas médicas, o de informarte acerca de los riesgos y...

Collection: Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication

Institution: Department of Pure Maths and Mathematical Statistics

Created: Tue 5 Nov 2019