Thursday Seminar Series

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Created: 2019-01-31 09:39
Institution: Institute of Criminology
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: The Institute of Criminology Thursday Seminar Series

Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

The CARA Experiment


How Hampshire Police Reduced Domestic Abuse: The CARA Experiment - Dr Heather Strang and Professor Lawrence Sherman

Collection: Thursday Seminar Series

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Thu 31 Jan 2019

What Police Wear and Why It Matters: Tasers, Cameras, Uniforms and Experimental Criminology


Dr Barak Ariel

The uniforms and equipment of contemporary police officers have dramatically changed since the turn of the millennium. Frontline officers in western democracies...

Collection: Thursday Seminar Series

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Wed 27 Feb 2019

‘Punishment Without Trial: Research And Policy In Out-Of-Court Disposals By Police’


Dr Peter Neyroud CBE QPM,

Deputy Director, Police Executive Programme, University of Cambridge
‘Punishment Without Trial: Research And Policy In Out-Of-Court Disposals By...

Collection: Thursday Seminar Series

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Mon 11 Feb 2019