Annual Nigel Walker Lectures

Annual Nigel Walker Lectures's image
Created: 2015-04-28 14:32
Institution: Institute of Criminology
Editors' group: Editors group for "Institute of Criminology".
Description: The Lecture Series was inaugurated in 1997 and is named in honour of the Institute’s second director, Nigel Walker who served as Wolfson Professor of Criminology from 1973 to 1984.


Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

18th Annual Nigel Walker Lecture


Institute of Criminology invites you to the 18th Annual Nigel Walker Lecture

Drug Policy and the Public Good: Legalization and its Limits
Professor Peter Reuter


Collection: Annual Nigel Walker Lectures

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Tue 28 Apr 2015

Celebration of the life and work of Professor Nigel Walker, C.B.E. (1917-2014)


On Monday 27th April 2015, at 3.30-4.45pm in The Hall at King's College, Cambridge, there will be an opportunity to celebrate the life and work of Nigel Walker through informal...

Collection: Annual Nigel Walker Lectures

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Tue 28 Apr 2015

The 20th Annual Nigel Walker Lecture


The 20th Annual Nigel Walker Lecture was held on 15 June 2017 at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. Professor Candace Kruttschnitt (University of Toronto)...

Collection: Annual Nigel Walker Lectures

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Thu 13 Jul 2017