Sidney Greats Lectures (3) Lent 2013

Sidney Greats Lectures (3) Lent 2013's image
Created: 2013-02-25 12:56
Institution: Sidney Sussex College
Editors' group: Editors group for "Sidney Sussex College".
Description: The Sidney Greats lecture series is designed to provide an introduction to great texts and ideas for all Sidney members -- undergraduate and graduate students, Fellows, staff, and alumni. They are aimed at a general audience.

Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

Dr Jillaine Seymour on Human Rights


Dr Jillaine Seymour (Sidney Sussex College) provides an introduction to Human Rights.

Collection: Sidney Greats Lectures (3) Lent 2013

Institution: Sidney Sussex College

Created: Tue 26 Feb 2013

Dr Joe Moshenska on Lucretius' 'De Rerum Natura'


Dr Joe Moshenska (Trinity College) introduces Lucretius' great poem 'De Rerum Natura', the poem which gave the classical idea of the atom to the modern world.

Collection: Sidney Greats Lectures (3) Lent 2013

Institution: Sidney Sussex College

Created: Tue 26 Feb 2013

Dr Martin Ruehl on Nietzsche's 'Beyond Good and Evil'


Dr Martin Ruehl (Trinity Hall and the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages) introduces the thought of Nietzsche and his seminal work 'Beyond Good and Evil'.

Collection: Sidney Greats Lectures (3) Lent 2013

Institution: Sidney Sussex College

Created: Fri 1 Mar 2013