Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane's image
Created: 2013-02-10 11:00
Institution: King's College
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: Originally a series of eight lectures given to second-year students in the Department of Social Anthropology at Cambridge as a foundation course in the development of social theories. Given in the early 1980's originally and then expanded, filmed and turned into a larger set in December 2012 to accompany the Huxley Memorial Lecture of that date. For further background, please see www.alanmacfarlane.com The series covers all of the social sciences, arts and humanties over the last five hundred years and the main paradigm shifts: circularity, progress, Englightenment,

Media items

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This collection contains 16 media items.


Media items

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 1


Theoretical Systems in the Social Sciences: Nature and Origins

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 2


Theoretical Systems in Social Science: Anthropological Approaches

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 3


Three Major Theoretical Systems: An Overview

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 4


Three Major Theoretical Systems: Structuralism and Causation

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 5


From Circular to Lineal Time: The Renaissance 1400-1700

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 6


From Circular to Serial Time: Some Causes of the Change

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 7


The Enlightenment - 1: Nature and Causes

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 8


The Enlightenment - 2: France and the Reversal

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 9


Evolution: The Background

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 11


Evolutionism: Social Sciences

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 12


Structuralism: A Portrait

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - 13


Structuralism: Social Sciences

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 14


New Evolutionism 1930-1980

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cosmologies of Capitalism - Lecture 15


Reflections on the Lectures: December 2012

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

The origins of the lectures and book on Cosmologies of Capitalism


Filmed by Alan Macfarlane on 9 September 2023, and edited by irene Galstian

Collection: Lectures: The Cosmologies of Capitalism (1983, 2012) - Alan Macfarlane

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 10 Sep 2023