1B Group projects 2011/12

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Created: 2012-03-15 14:23
Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology
Editors' group: Department of Computer Science and Technology editors group
Description: 5 minute presentations given by students as part of their Part 1B group projects.

Media items

Include approximate matches

This collection contains 13 media items.


Media items

1B Group projects 2011/12. Announcement of the winning teams.


1B Group projects 2011/12. Announcement of the winning teams.

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Alpha. Improving the speed of the SCALA compiler


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Alpha. Improving the speed of the SCALA compiler

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Bravo. Data Centre Footprint


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Bravo. Data Centre Footprint

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Charlie. Mobile CamSIS


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Charlie. Mobile CamSIS

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Delta. Online Programming Testing


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Delta. Online Programming Testing

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Echo. Modern Media at May Balls


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Echo. Modern Media at May Balls

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Foxtrot. Collaborative Programming (Raspberry Pi)


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Foxtrot. Collaborative Programming (Raspberry Pi)

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Golf. Personal Photograph Organisation.


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Golf. Personal Photograph Organisation.

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Hotel. Top Tips Two


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Hotel. Top Tips Two

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group India. Frigid Energy


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group India. Frigid Energy

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Juliet. Finding Failures: Detecting Anomalies


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Juliet. Finding Failures: Detecting Anomalies

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Kilo. Rebalancing Logic for Cloud Platform Management.


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Kilo. Rebalancing Logic for Cloud Platform Management.

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012

1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Lima. Trading and Trading Anomaly Visualisation.


1B Group projects 2011/12. Group Lima. Trading and Trading Anomaly Visualisation.

Collection: 1B Group projects 2011/12

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 16 Mar 2012