Judge Business School

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Created: 2008-09-02 16:34
Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications
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Media items

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This collection contains 19 media items.


Media items

'Value for money' makes the world go round by Professor Peter Williamson


Professor Williamson believes that in 2009, for the first time, it will be the emerging economies who will be providing 100% of the world's economic growth. Their ability, in...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

Can innovation save the world? If so, what will it take to be more innovative? By Professor Jaideep Prabhu


Firms and governments across Europe and North America are banking on innovation, or the successful commercial exploitation of new ideas, to kick start economies and help save the...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

Cerebral energetic officer - do leaders matter? By Professor Jaideep Prabhu


The recent election of Barack Obama raises the question: can a single individual make a difference to how a large group such as a nation thinks and acts in the long term? Or, in...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

Clearing the energy slums by Nick Butler


Policy makers cannot walk and chew gum. Crises are handled one by one with the most immediate driving all the rest off the agenda. However, Nick Butler, Chairman of the Centre for...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Mon 9 Feb 2009

Climate leadership and business sustainability by Dr Stephen Peake


"We are creating a massive ecological debt by borrowing from the future at a rate that is completely incompatible and unsustainable. We need a new form of capitalism, one where we...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

Distributing the downturn by Dr Paul Kattuman


The International Labour Organisation has forecast a rise in unemployment by 20 million world-wide, by the end of 2009. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

Evolution, revolution or business collapse? Understanding and reacting to business model innovation by Dr Chander Velu


"To a certain extent, the failure of banks following the credit crunch was the result of business model innovation," says Judge Business School's Dr Chander Velu, co-author of new...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Mon 9 Feb 2009

Lies lies and more lies by Dr Stelios C Zyglidopoulos


Deception in organisations can start with a few 'bad apples' but the rot often spreads much wider and deeper. New research from Dr Stelios C. Zyglidopoulos reveals how apparently...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 2 Sep 2008

Lifestyle or global business? A major decision faced in any entrepreneurial career by Lord Karan Bilimoria


Founder and Chairman of Cobra Beer and Visiting Entrepreneur at the Judge Business School's Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, Lord Karan Bilimoria talks about the implications...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Mon 9 Feb 2009

More haste, less speed: from invention to innovation by Professor Jaideep Prabhu


Necessity, goes the adage, is the mother of invention. Alas, mere invention is not good enough these days. Far more important is converting inventions into innovations: namely,...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

New model regulation in the electricity industry


The problem of monopolistic control in the UK electricity industry remains a factor today in spite of several decades of regulation by Ofgem, following privatisation in the 1980s....

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 17 Dec 2008

Recognising opportunities: when is an idea a business opportunity?


Dr Herman Hauser, Co-Founder of Amadeus Capital Partners and Visiting Entrepreneur at the School's Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning discusses the secrets of taking an idea and...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 17 Dec 2008

Smart factories create competitive advantage for global manufacturers Professor Arnoud De Meyer


A new model for understanding how multinationals can gain a competitive edge from their manufacturing networks has been created as a result of a recent study by Professor Arnoud...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 2 Sep 2008

The devil's in the details - regulating financial innovation by Dr Paul Kattuman


With elections in India in a few months, the war on terror must be squarely at the centre of the political agenda. Not far away will be regulation of finance. As Sonia Gandhi put...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

The effects of personality on social structure by Professor Martin Kilduff


Next time you are at a social gathering, instead of chatting just to friends and colleagues, why not strike up a conversation with a complete stranger? For the effects of making...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

The key to the solution is Keynes by Nick Butler


Nick Butler, Chairman of the Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies, is formally launching The Keynes Society this Spring, a concept inspired by the urgent need for some new economic...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

The true costs of saving the earth by Dr Chris Hope


As the 2008 UN climate change talks struggle to a conclusion in Poland this week research undertaken at Judge Business School shows exactly how vital it is that international...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

When the 'dragons' come calling by Professor Peter Williamson


Incorporating high-technology in low-cost products, offering more product choices and turning high-end specialty products into competitively priced mass market items, Chinese...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Mon 9 Feb 2009

Why some technical decisions are too important to leave to engineers Dr Kamal Munir


In the 1970s, the instant camera company Polaroid was riding high with a reputation for innovative, cutting-edge products. It was in that decade, however, that it made a decision...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 2 Sep 2008