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Media items

"Child Survival: Where and Why are Children Dying?" Robert Hingley


Robert Hingley, trustee of Save the Children talks on Child Survival across the world and Save the Children's efforts to ameliorate the situation.

Collection: Cambridge University International Development (CUiD)

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Thu 29 Jan 2009

Cynthia Kenyon, What does the future hold? Fri 10 July


Evolutionary basis of ageing
Professor Cynthia Kenyon (University of California, San Francisco, USA)

Summary: Scientists have long thought that ageing ‘just happens’. Yet...

Collection: Darwin Festival 2009

Institution: Department of Biological Anthropology

Created: Tue 13 Oct 2009

Lord Robert May, What does the future hold?, Fri 10 July


Cooperation among nations in a crowded world
Professor Lord Robert May (University of Oxford, UK)

Summary: Arguably the central unsolved problem in evolutionary biology – from...

Collection: Darwin Festival 2009

Institution: Department of Biological Anthropology

Created: Thu 15 Oct 2009

Sir Brian Hoskins, What does the future hold?, Fri 10 July


The future for the environment on planet Earth
Professor Sir Brian Hoskins (Imperial College London and University of Reading, UK)

Abstract: The activity of humans has led,...

Collection: Darwin Festival 2009

Institution: Department of Biological Anthropology

Created: Thu 15 Oct 2009