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Discovery science in rural Africa: parental influences on their offspring's epigenome


Discovery science in rural Africa: parental influences on their offspring's epigenome
Andrew Prentice, MRC Unit, The Gambia, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Collection: GLOW 2018 Conference

Institution: Department of Pathology

Created: Wed 21 Nov 2018

Folic acid deficiency can affect the health of great, great grandchildren


Folic acid deficiency can cause severe health problems in offspring, including spina bifida, heart defects and placental abnormalities. A study out today reveals that a mutation...

Collection: Research Horizons

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Fri 4 Oct 2013

Friday 10 December 2021 - 13:00-14:00 - Immunology and Medicine Seminar Series


Speaker: Dr Tim Lämmermann, Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany
Title: “Fast runners and lazy couch potatoes – the spectrum of...

Collection: Cambridge Immunology and Medicine Webinar Series

Institution: Department of Medicine

Created: Tue 14 Dec 2021