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10. The Evolving Body: With Professor Randolph Nesse


Evolutionary physician Professor Randolph Nesse explores the idea of 'Darwin's eye', and discusses what evolution means for our bodies, our emotions and our behaviour - as well as...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Mon 13 Jul 2009

11. Darwin, Design and Christianity: With Professor John Brooke


John Brooke, former Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University, gives his take on the exhibition 'Endless Forms', and discusses the implications of...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Mon 13 Jul 2009

13. The Predatory Ape: Sex, Simians and Society in Nineteenth-Century Europe


Dr. Gowan Dawson discusses the intriguing representation - and sexualisation - of apes in the nineteenth century, from pickled specimens on display to an eager public to images of...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Wed 29 Jul 2009

14. Evolving Images: Race and Popular Darwinism in Nineteenth-Century Photography


Professor Elizabeth Edwards explores how the emerging mass medium of photography engaged with popular Darwinian ideas in the nineteenth century, and how notions of race, 'type'...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Mon 3 Aug 2009

15. Between Apes and Angels: Representing the Darker Implications of Darwinism


Science writer Dr. Marek Kohn discusses the various artistic reactions to the bleaker side of evolutionary thinking, as presented in the exhibition 'Endless Forms'. Is nature a...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Wed 2 Sep 2009

16. Struggle and Strikes: The 'Survival of the Fittest' in Art and Literature


Dame Gillian Beer discusses ideas of poverty, struggle and competition as explored in the painting 'On Strike' (1891), and examines how Darwinian notions of 'the survival of the...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Mon 21 Sep 2009

1. Darwin and the Ancient Earth: Dinosaurs and the 'Deep Past' in the 19th-Century Imagination


Why was the young Darwin's fascination with geology so important for his later work? And why was prehistory so popular in early nineteenth-century Britain? A podcast with...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Fri 5 Jun 2009

2. Darwin in Cambridge: from Christ's College to the Beagle


Dr. John van Wyhe, Director of Darwin Online (, discusses Darwin's student days at Christ's College, Cambridge in the 1820s, and investigates the young...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Thu 18 Jun 2009

3. The Roots of a Theory: How Plants Specimens Led a Young Darwin to Discovery


Plant specimens may seem an unlikely starting point for Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection - but, as Professor John Parker investigates in this podcast, the...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Wed 24 Jun 2009

5. 'Flaunting It' - Sexual Selection and the Art of Courtship


What evolutionary purpose does beauty serve? And why does the idea of 'female mate choice' not hold true when it comes to primates and humans? From peacocks' tails to the kinds of...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Thu 2 Jul 2009

6. A Tour of 'Endless Forms': With Sir Paul Nurse


Nobel Prize-winning biologist and Rockefeller University President Sir Paul Nurse takes a tour of the exhibition 'Endless Forms', introducing his personal highlights from a...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Mon 6 Jul 2009

7. Evolving Philosophy: With Professor Philip Kitcher


Can Darwinian ideas of evolution and adaptation really explain why we are how we are? Philosopher of science Professor Philip Kitcher explores the insights - and pitfalls - that...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Tue 7 Jul 2009

8. Darwin, Hooker and the Venus Flytraps: With Sir Peter Crane


Sir Peter Crane, Former Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, talks about the fascinating friendship between Darwin and the botanist Joseph Hooker. (An audio-only podcast...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Wed 8 Jul 2009

9. Humankind - A Troubling Future? With Lord Robert May


Lord Robert May, Former President of the Royal Society and UK Government Chief Advisor for Science explores the significance of Darwin and his 'unsolved problems' for the issues...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Thu 9 Jul 2009

Beats Matter: Educational, Therapeutic and Cross-Cultural Applications of Hip Hop Beat Making and Culture


Hip Hop is now the most listened to genre of music in the world, yet it is not widely implemented for educational, therapeutic or cross-cultural uses despite incredible potential...

Collection: Arts & Creativities Research Group

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 23 Mar 2018

Geometry and Atmosphere: the conundrum of building for the Arts


A film exploring the issues involved in the design and delivery of recent UK theatres, including the Contact, Manchester; the Lowry, Salford; Poole Arts Centre; Curve, Leicester;...

Collection: Designing Dynamic Environments for the Performing Arts

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Thu 3 Feb 2011

Introducing CamPhDcasts


‘So... what is it that you actually do?’

It’s a question most PhD students have faced at some time during their study, and one which can be surprisingly difficult to answer....

Collection: Cambridge PhDcasts

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Tue 30 Apr 2013

Introducing Epic of the Persian Kings


Exploring exquisite Persian manuscript art inspired by the world’s longest poem: the Shahnameh, or 'Book of Kings'

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Tue 14 Sep 2010

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