An introduction to UIS' cyber security awareness course

2 mins 39 secs,  4.85 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.01 kbits/sec
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An introduction to UIS' cyber security awareness course's image
Description: An introduction to UIS' cyber security awareness course
Created: 2023-02-06 15:18
Collection: Cyber Security
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Mark Conrad Chambers
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (not downloadable)
Keywords: cyber security; cybersecurity; training;
Explicit content: No
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Screencast: No
Bumper: minimal black
Trailer: minimal black
University Information Services provides cyber security awareness and training materials on its IT Help and Support website. Here all staff can access our training course which is delivered via the MyCompliance e-learning platform.

Simply enter your @cam email address and you'll be directed to the University's Microsoft login page to complete multi-factor authentication. Remember to log in using your University @cam email address and corresponding password rather than those associated with your local institution account.

The course consists of short, engaging videos designed to help staff understand what cybersecurity means, appreciate the impact of cyber attacks on them as individuals and the University, recognise the most common forms of cyber attack, such as password compromise, tailgating and malicious links, and learn and adopt techniques that will protect their data and University systems.

You can view the course contents in the menu on your screen. This bite-size modular approach enables staff to learn at their own pace. In practice, we found that it takes only 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

There's no exam at the end of the course, but each video is followed by a brief quiz that keeps you engaged and helps you to consolidate and remember the key points. You can download a certificate of achievement when you've completed the course.

We gather feedback at the end of the course to monitor its effectiveness and find out which topics staff would like to learn about in further training. We've found that most users feel either very confident or confident in most areas after completing it.

Our aim is to deliver the training regularly without overwhelming staff, updating the content as needed to reflect the changing threat landscape.

We believe this will be an effective way of reducing risk to the University.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this presentation.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 250.01 kbits/sec 4.85 MB Listen
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