#01 Directing the INI: an interview with Professor David Abrahams

25 mins 32 secs,  46.72 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  249.8 kbits/sec
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#01 Directing the INI: an interview with Professor David Abrahams's image
Description: In this inaugural podcast, INI Director David Abrahams speaks about his role at the Institute, reflects on his first two-and-a-half years in the post and looks forward to the remainder of his tenure.

Hosted by: Dan Aspel (INI Communications Manager)

Created: 2019-03-26 09:58
Collection: Living Proof - the Isaac Newton Institute podcast
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Vincenzo Abete
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: mathematics; cambridge; isaac newton institute; INI;
Person:  I. David Abrahams
Person:  Daniel Aspel
Categories: iTunes - Science
Explicit content: No
Abstract: 00:00 – Introduction
01:20 – Why did you want to become INI Director?
02:57 – Highlights of the role so far
04:55 – Thomas Hales and the Kepler Conjecture
07:00 – Four Colour Theorem
09:30 – Bringing key groups together in intra-disciplinary programmes
11:15 – The frustrations of being away from research, envying sleeping mathematicians
13:44 – A custodian of mathematics, broadening personal horizons
15:18 – Carefully managed sparks
17:30 – The future of the role, expanding the building
20:00 – The TGM (now Newton Gateway) and knowledge exchange
22:08 – Cycling chat, “the most exhilarating sport there is”
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 249.8 kbits/sec 46.72 MB Listen Download
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