CS Lewis: Yearning for the far off country

7 mins 48 secs,  3.56 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  62.23 kbits/sec
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CS Lewis: Yearning for the far off country's image
Description: Sunday 1 March: Choral Evensong
Speaker: Revd Dr Malcolm Guite.
Title: CS Lewis: Yearning for the far off country
Hymns: 809 City of God, 744 Oh for a thousand tongues
Psalm: 84
OT Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10
NT Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:12-18
Music: Ave Maria (Bruckner), Howells Gloucester Service, How lovely are thy dwellings fair (Brahms) and Toccata in d minor BWV 538 (J.S. Bach).
Created: 2015-03-18 10:14
Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; To be a Pilgrim
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Girton College
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: Girton College; Malcolm Guite; Choral Evensong; CS Lewis; Pilgrim;
Person:  Malcolm Guite
Categories: iTunes - Humanities - Religion
iTunes - Religion & Spirituality - Christianity
iTunes - Literature
Explicit content: No
Available Formats
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MP3 44100 Hz 249.98 kbits/sec 14.22 MB Listen Download
MP3 * 44100 Hz 62.23 kbits/sec 3.56 MB Listen Download
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