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Jon Hodge, Darwin's universal impact, Mon 6 July


How could Charles Darwin have all these impacts?
Dr Jon Hodge (University of Leeds, UK)

Summary: Were Darwin the English parson naturalist of legend, his vast impact would be...

Collection: Darwin Festival 2009

Institution: Department of Biological Anthropology

Created: Thu 15 Oct 2009

Naturalistic Explanations of Religion: Explaining or Explaining Away?


Talk given by Prof. Jeff Schloss as part of summer course 2

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 28 Mar 2012

The scientific naturalists are declaring the glory of God: Theistic support from unlikely places.


Seminar talk given by Prof. Paul Copan

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Fri 3 Mar 2017