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Media items

12th Annual Disability Lecture 2015: "Laughter as a Catalyst for Change"


Writer, artist and part-time super-hero Jess Thom is ‘changing the world one tic at a time’. She spoke about the neurological condition Tourette’s, which causes her to say...

Collection: 12th Annual Disability Lecture 2015: "Laughter as a Catalyst for Change"

Institution: Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre

Created: Fri 15 May 2015

Frames from a Round Table. Introduction to Dante


Frames from a Round Table is a 30 minute (very amatorial, low budget) video-documentary about a round table discussion about Dante, between students and two professors. It shows...

Collection: Cambridge 750th Anniversary of Dante's Birth

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Fri 18 Mar 2016