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Media items

Charles Melville - project definition


Charles Melville talking about project definition.

Collection: Project management

Institution: Human Resources Division

Created: Thu 24 May 2012

Jonathan Lawson - project definition


Jonathan Lawson - talks about project definition

Collection: Project management

Institution: Human Resources Division

Created: Thu 24 May 2012

Jonathan Lawson - project definition


Jonathan Lawson - talks about project definition

Collection: Project management

Institution: Human Resources Division

Created: Thu 24 May 2012

Paul Heffernan - project definition


Paul Heffernan talks about project definition

Collection: Induction Videos

Institution: Human Resources Division

Created: Thu 24 May 2012

'Reducing Genocide to Law: Definition, Meaning, and the Ultimate Crime' by Professor Payam Akhavan


The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL), University of Cambridge hosts a regular Friday lunchtime lecture series on key areas of International Law. Previous subjects...

Collection: LCIL International Law Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 22 Feb 2013

Scientific and Religious Definitions of a Human: Their Impact on Human Rights


Reaserch Seminar by Prof. John Evans

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Fri 18 Nov 2016



Six five-minute radio talks by D H Mellor on the use of words in philosophy broadcast on BBC Radio 3 between 5 February and 16 March 1978. Copyright in these broadcasts is...

Collection: D H Mellor

Institution: Faculty of Philosophy

Created: Thu 16 Oct 2008