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Media items

APL Materials


Timely publication of the best original research in functional materials science

Collection: APL Materials

Institution: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy

Created: Wed 13 Mar 2013

Cambridge Ideas - The future of energy?


Today, we consume a truly vast amount of energy - with demand continuing to skyrocket at an alarming rate. We know that producing this energy has significant environmental impacts...

Collection: Cambridge Ideas

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Fri 3 Aug 2012

Dr Jonathan Cullen - Sustainable Materials: With Both Eyes Open


Dr Jonathan Cullen explores our society's addiction to materials and how carbon emissions can be reduced.

Collection: Fitzwilliam College lectures

Institution: Fitzwilliam College

Created: Thu 2 Oct 2014

Incentivising Power Savings


Green Gown Awards 2012: Highly Commended - Carbon Reduction Category

Collection: University of Cambridge Energy and Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Institution: Estate Management

Created: Fri 15 Feb 2013

Meet the Algae


Scientists at Cambridge University take a closer look at algae and examine its potential as a renewable source of energy. In the near future algae could be used as a sustainable,...

Collection: Featured content

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 12 Apr 2011

Standard Operating Procedure for Fabrication of Carbon Black Devices


Thomas Knowles Research Group in the Department of Chemistry presents: Standard Operating Procedure for Fabrication of Carbon Black Devices

Collection: Biophysical Chemistry

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Mon 18 Sep 2017

The future of energy?


Today, we consume a truly vast amount of energy - with demand continuing to skyrocket at an alarming rate. We know that producing this energy has significant environmental impacts...

Collection: Cambridge Ideas

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 31 Jul 2012

UK Carbon Capture and Storage Policies | 26 January 2016


In Search of 'Good' Energy Policy Seminar series

Speaker interview: Dr. David Reiner, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Collection: Energy@Cambridge

Institution: Dept of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Created: Tue 17 May 2016

Welding of high carbon steel: APMS conference


A lecture given by K. Fang, at the Adventures in the Physical Metallurgy of Steels (APMS) conference held in Cambridge University. Nanostructured bainite is incredibly difficult...

Collection: Adventures in the Physical Metallurgy of Steels

Institution: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy

Created: Tue 29 Oct 2013