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'And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord...'


Sunday 4 May: Choral Evensong
Title: ‘And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord…’
Hymns: 198 & 136 Psalm: 23
Old Testament Reading: Ezekiel 34:7-16
New Testament Reading: John...

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; The Apostle's Creed

Institution: Girton College

Created: Wed 7 May 2014

'From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead'


Sunday 1 June: Choral Evensong
Title: ‘From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead’
Hymns: 241 & 238 Psalm: 50:1-15
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 57:7-10

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; The Apostle's Creed

Institution: Girton College

Created: Mon 2 Jun 2014

'He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty'


Sunday 25 May: Choral Evensong
Title: ‘He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the
Father Almighty’
Hymns: 209 & 215 Psalm: 24
Old Testament Reading:...

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; The Apostle's Creed

Institution: Girton College

Created: Mon 2 Jun 2014

'He descended into hell'


Sunday 11 May: Choral Evensong
Title: ‘He descended into hell’
Hymns: 230 & 216
Psalm: 130
Old Testament Reading: Job 14:1-14
New Testament Reading: 1Peter 3:17-end.

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; The Apostle's Creed

Institution: Girton College

Created: Mon 12 May 2014

'I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth'


Sunday 27 April: Choral Evensong
Title: ‘I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth’
Hymns: 1 & 15
Psalm: 19
Old Testament Reading: Genesis 1:1-10

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; The Apostle's Creed

Institution: Girton College

Created: Wed 30 Apr 2014

'I believe in the Holy Spirit'


Sunday 8 June: Holy Eucharist for Pentecost
Title: ‘I believe in the Holy Spirit’
Hymns: 280 & 281 Psalm: 122
Old Testament Reading: Genesis 11:1-9
New Testament Reading: Acts...

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; The Apostle's Creed

Institution: Girton College

Created: Thu 12 Jun 2014

'The third day he rose again from the dead'


Sunday 18 May: Choral Evensong
Title: ‘The third day he rose again from the dead’
Hymns: 191 & 203 Psalm: 118V 14-24
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 12
New Testament Reading:...

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; The Apostle's Creed

Institution: Girton College

Created: Fri 23 May 2014