Gates 10th anniversary podcast: the arts and the nation

1 hour 16 mins 57 secs,  328.07 MB,  RealAudio  44100 Hz,  582.09 kbits/sec
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Created: 2010-07-09 12:11
Collection: Gates Cambridge Scholarships
Gates 10th Anniversary
Publisher: Gates Cambridge Trust
Copyright: Gates Cambridge Trust
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: Gates; 10th; anniversary; arts; nation;
Explicit content: No
Abstract: This panel tackles the relationship between the arts, broadly defined, and the preservation of "national" cultures. Often these forms of art are highly politicized, as are the identities to whom they are attached, making serious conversation and research on these topics difficult. By bringing together leading scholars in the fields of art, classics, libraries and museums, and linguistics, we will strive to have a serious and balanced conversation about the ways in which the academy should be, and is, involved to tackle these subjects. We use two issues to centre our discussion: 1) "looted" art in museums and galleries, and 2) preservation of "dying" languages. Along with Gates Scholars, past and present, the panellists will discuss areas in which developing scholars could contribute to debates, as well as thinking about how Gates Scholars could contribute in meaningful ways outside academia.The speakers are Professor Mary Beard - Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge and a fellow of Newnham College, classics editor of the Times Literary Supplement and author of the blog "A Don's Life"; Professor David McKitterick FBA - Honorary Professor of Historical Bibliography, University of Cambridge; Fellow and Librarian, Trinity College, Cambridge; Former Vice-President of the British Academy; Ms Galina Mardilovich - Gates Scholar and PhD candidate in Art History at the University of Cambridge; Dr Bert Vaux - University Lecturer in Linguistics at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of King's College. The organiser and moderator is Dr Hilary Levey - Gates alumna (MPhil Modern Society and Global Transformations) and post-doctoral scholar in Health Policy at Harvard University and former Co-Chair of the Gates Scholars' Alumni Association.
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MP3 44100 Hz 125.01 kbits/sec 70.46 MB Listen Download
RealAudio * 582.09 kbits/sec 328.07 MB View Download Stream
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