Gates 10th anniversary podcast: social networking for social change

1 hour 6 mins 42 secs,  61.08 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  125.03 kbits/sec
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Created: 2010-07-09 12:04
Collection: Gates Cambridge Scholarships
Gates 10th Anniversary
Publisher: Gates Cambridge Trust
Copyright: Gates Cambridge Trust
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: Gates; 10th; anniversary; social; networking; change;
Explicit content: No
Abstract: For many of us, Facebook comes as naturally as breathing. It enables us to reconnect with lost friends and keep others informed about new happenings in our lives. With Twitter, we can share a 140 character thought with hundreds around the world in seconds. Yet, these tools have the potential to be much more than a daily dose of procrastination. Social Networking is changing the way we think, the way we learn and the way we interact. It’s changing the way we do business and the way we approach new ideas. And, increasingly, it’s becoming a new and powerful tool for social change, as NGOs, International Organizations, business and social entrepreneurs harness its power to promote their agendas. This panel will discuss the opportunities and obstacles that social networking creates for those looking to generate positive social change. The speakers are Mr Kevin Anderson - freelance journalist and digital strategist with more than a decade of experience with the BBC and the Guardian; Mr Peter Armstrong - co-founder of the OneWorld Network and director for the OneWorld International Foundation with over 20 years experience as a BBC radio and TV producer; Dr Cecilia Mascolo - Reader in Mobile Systems in the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge; and Ms Anuradha Vittachi - an award-winning TV documentary maker who co-founded the OneWorld Network and is currently co-director of OneWorld UK. The moderator is Joseph Bonneau, current President of the Gates Scholars Council, PhD Computer Science.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 125.03 kbits/sec 61.08 MB Listen Download
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