A Small Problem? The Bioethics of Nanotechnology

51 mins 43 secs,  97.41 MB,  RealAudio  44100 Hz,  257.16 kbits/sec
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Description: Four speakers present their perspectives on nanotechnology, exploring the current technology and the bioethical issues surrounding future applications and developments.
Created: 2009-01-12 23:10
Collection: Chemical Society
Science in Society
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: H.M. Price
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: panel debate; nanotechnology; bioethics; science; society; Chemical; Society;
Categories: iTunes - Science
Explicit content: No
Abstract: Nanoscale science, engineering and technology have the potential to revolutionise modern medical and industrial practices. However, the development and production of nanomaterials also presents unique legislative challenges. At the nanoscale, materials take on unconventional properties, interacting with each other in new and unexpected ways. Although this provides fantastic opportunities for innovative engineering, the potential risk to human health of subcellular interactions with nanoparticles is not yet fully understood. The question now is whether we can mitigate public fears over the potential risks of nanotechnology without compromising vital scientific research.

The speakers include:

Dr John Roberts, Head of Chemicals and Nanotechnologies at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); Professor Geoff Hunt, researcher into Nanotechnology and Society at the University of Surrey, and co-founder of the International Network for Nanotechnology, Science & Health; Professor Antony Seaton, former head of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at Edinburgh University; Dr. Alexandra Porter, researcher into the impact of synthetic nanoparticles on human health and the environment at Imperial College London.
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