#09 “The beauty of results”: an interview with Professor Svitlana Mayboroda

21 mins 24 secs,  39.15 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  249.78 kbits/sec
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#09 “The beauty of results”: an interview with Professor Svitlana Mayboroda's image
Description: Episode #9 welcomes Professor Svitlana Mayboroda to the podcast. The Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow (https://www.newton.ac.uk/about/fellowships/kirk) for the "Approximation, sampling and compression in data science" programme, Svitlana talks us through a brief history of her career, her specialism in harmonic analysis, a love of mathematics for its own sake and the research aims that she and her collaborators are working towards during their time at INI.

Hosted by: Dan Aspel (INI Communications Manager)
Created: 2019-06-24 16:20
Collection: Living Proof - the Isaac Newton Institute podcast
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Dan Aspel
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: mathematics; cambridge; isaac newton institute; INI;
Person:  Svitlana Mayboroda
Anchor:  Daniel Aspel
Categories: iTunes - Science
Explicit content: No
Abstract: 00:00 – Introductions
01:43 – Early career decision points and working in the USA
03:08 – Growing up in Ukraine and the career options that lay ahead
03:50 – Looking at the ASC programme and its research aims
06:00 – The draw of harmonic analysis
07:30 – Collaborations between physicists and mathematicians
10:45 – Applications aplenty, but “the mathematics still drives me”
12:40 – Receiving the Kirk Fellowship (https://www.newton.ac.uk/about/fellowships/kirk): is it a “good thing”?
17:55 – Summer travels and academic visits
18:56 – In praise of the Isaac Newton Institute, “the primary way for mathematicians to collaborate”

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MP3 * 44100 Hz 249.78 kbits/sec 39.15 MB Listen Download
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