The Bladerunners (imagine if we got off our grasses)

2 mins 14 secs,  4.10 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.51 kbits/sec
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About this item
Image inherited from collection
Description: An exploration of all the grass family members we depend on for food and shelter
Created: 2018-11-08 14:29
Collection: The Ensonglopedia of Plants
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: John Hinton
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: poaceae; gramineae;
Composer:  John Hinton
Performer:  John Hinton
Producer:  Simon Plent
Categories: iTunes - Science - Biology
iTunes - Teaching & Learning - Learning Resources
Explicit content: No
The Bladerunners run the show.
They’re everywhere you look, everywhere that you go.
They cover a fifth of the Earth’s land surface.
The blades are taking over – does that make you nervous?

(Does that make you nervous?
Does that make you nervous?)

The Bladerunners are loved by man.
We tear the jungle down to plant as much as we can.
We blanket-cover gardens and parks and immerse
Ourselves in a landscape that’s less biodiverse.

(Does that make you nervous?
Or are they of service?
Do they have a purpose?
Or are they just surplus?)

The Bladerunners keep us fed.
They make pasta and rice and sugar and bread.
They’re the plant family on which we’re most reliant.
We’re pretty much addicted to their presence in our diet.

(Does that make you nervous?
Does that make you nervous?)

I’m feeling forlorn on account of the lawn.
I wish for some wildflowers, but they’re all gone.
I’m driven barmy by the barley and bamboozled by bamboo
They’re fine for bread but I’m gonna need some veg for my stew!
(The pasture’s getting nastier!
We must diversify faster!)

The Bladerunners are man’s best friend.
Our survival is entwined, but how’s it gonna end?
I’m getting more nervous with each day that passes:
Will we fall flat on our a**** thanks to the grasses?

(If the rye goes awry,
What then can we buy?
If the millet gets militant,
What then will we try?)

(The Bladerunners, the the the the the
The Bladerunners run the show
The Bladerunners, the the the the the
The Bladerunners
Does that make you nervous?)
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 250.51 kbits/sec 4.10 MB Listen Download
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